
Living and enjoying it, takes some creativity. I’ve come up with a few tricks, which help to keep pity-parties to a minimum.

Hello dear reader,

While melt-downs are definitely a part of living with chronic illness/pain, they aren’t what I want this blog to be about. The point to writing this is to try to find positive ways of handling this life. So if you’ll give me a do-over, I’d like to try this again.

Living and enjoying it, takes some creativity. I’ve come up with a few tricks, which help to keep pity-parties to a minimum. I’m hoping I’ll learn some tricks from you as well.

What relaxes you? Cleaning relaxes me. I’m really anal about my house being clean, or so I’ve been told. It just stresses me out when it’s dirty. So cleaning helps. There are a lot of times I can’t keep up with it, but it sure feels good when I can! Is that weird? probably. But whatever works, right?

Working on crafty stuff relaxes me about nine months out of the year. October through December feels like a mad dash to get things finished on time. Here are a few things I’ve made:

Those are things I’ve made as gifts for people. As long as it isn’t the crazy Christmas months, making things like these relax me.

Before I finish this up for today, I really want to thank you for your understanding and compassion when the dark side was showing. Thank you for all of the well-wishes I received.

Until next time…


I’ll be blunt about things. There isn’t enough sugar to coat this mess.


Hello Dear Reader,
It’s been a long time. I’m starting my blog again with a new name and a different perspective. I live with constant pain. The myriad of things that cause my pain are explained in the “About Me” page.
A couple years ago, I had been told I was terminal, had about a year left (from the COPD). After going through the nightmare of telling the people in my life, I was told it had been a mistake. I do have COPD, but it’s not nearly as advanced as they originally thought.
Everyone was very glad to hear that news, of course. Everyone, that was, except me. The last post I wrote was in October of 2016. You can read the post for yourself if you’d like, just click here…Trying to Live The Reader’s Digest” version is that I had been relieved to have an end in sight to the pain and it had been taken from me.
Sometimes I’m so thankful to be here and to have the life I do. I have a truly incredible husband. He told me many years ago that it was his mission to make sure I laughed every day, and he does. I have children and grandchildren that I love dearly, and the best friends anyone could ever wish for. I have a couple of dogs that are a never-ending source of love and entertainment. I live up in the Rocky mountains and the beauty around me still takes my breath away. I have everything anyone could ever want.
I also have the nightmare of never-ending pain. Sometimes I can push through it and actually accomplish things. Sometimes I can’t lift my head for days at a time. Sometimes I can’t get out of bed for weeks at a time.
So I’m starting a new blog called Chronic Living. The chronic pain isn’t going anywhere, but I don’t have to let it define my life.
Why blog about it? There are millions of other people in the same situation I’m in or worse. Maybe putting it out there, the good and the bad, the beauty and ugliness about it, the constant struggle to live, I might be able to help someone through a day. I might open their eyes to something they hadn’t seen before. All the people struggling with this situation also have people who love them and want to help them. Maybe they can get a little bit closer to understanding, or maybe feel a little less helpless.
I can’t make any promises about what this blog will do. I can, and do promise that I will give you complete honesty. I’ll be blunt about things. There isn’t enough sugar to coat this mess. I promise I’ll respect and try my best to answer any questions you ask. I’ll be open-minded and try to learn from you. I tend to go off on tangents and might follow a post about depression with one bout how to crochet a baby blanket.
I hope you’ll come along on this journey with me. Don’t know for sure where we’re going or how we’ll get there, but we can figure it out together.
Until next time…

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