Escape Book Club check-in

I’m excited to hear how it’s going with all of you.

Hello dear reader.

We began reading Her Name in the Sky a week ago, so it’s time to check-in with you and see where everyone is. So here are a few questions I’d appreciate all of you answering so we can get a picture of that.

  1. How far into the story are you? Please answer that by naming the chapter so we don’t spoil anything for someone who may be behind you.
  2. How are you liking it so far? Is it keeping your attention? Are you struggling with it?
  3. Are you handling the subject matter okay?

Please answer these and feel free to express anything else you’d like in the comments area below. Just please be careful not to put any spoilers in your comments. I’m excited to hear how it’s going with all of you.

I spent 20+ hours driving round trip and listened to it on Audible, so I’ve already finished it. Personally, I had a difficult time with it for the first few chapters but it got a lot easier after them.

Until next time…

Book Escape Club

If you haven’t gotten involved yet, you still have time. You really don’t want to miss out on this!

Hello dear reader.

Books have always been an escape for me, and I love hearing others’ thoughts about them. So I’m very excited that the Book Escape Club is going to happen! 😄 I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. If you haven’t gotten involved yet, you still have time. You really don’t want to miss out on this!

I’ve been thinking about how much time we should spend reading each book. I know everyone has a lot going on and I want this to be fun, an escape, not something that causes pressure and stress. So I’m thinking flexibility. A week after we start a new book we’ll all check in to see how it’s going. We’ll do the same thing the next week. No spoilers allowed. When everyone is ready, the questions will be posted and we’ll discuss them for the next week. I think allowing a month for each book, reading and discussion, should be good. That’s about three weeks to read and one for discussion. Again, however, it’s about flexibility and fun. I’m totally open to any suggestions about what will work best.

I’ll announce our first book at the beginning of July. That choice will be made by someone different for the next book so everyone gets to choose a book. Is that okay with everyone?

I’m very excited about this. I hope it turns out to be something we all enjoy.

I’m even more excited that I’m leaving tomorrow to go visit my daughter! I miss her so much and can’t wait to spend time with her.

Until next time…

Book Escape

My daughter and I share a love of books and read some of them at the same time. We can (and do!) talk for hours about books we’ve read or want to read.

Hello dear reader.

One of the biggest surprises I’ve had since I started writing this blog was how many people are dealing with pain, physically, mentally, or both. The intent of my blog is to find ways to enjoy (or just live) life while dealing with pain. I wrote a post not long ago about things I use to distract me from pain. One of the things I listed was reading and/or listening to books. My daughter and I share a love of books and read some of them at the same time. We can (and do!) talk for hours about books we’ve read or want to read. I was thinking about that today and got an idea. It would be fun to have a book club of sorts. Here’s what I’m picturing…

We take turns choosing a book, so we’ll have variety in genre. Once a book is chosen we set an appropriate length of time to read it, understanding that we all have other things in our lives. I’m thinking a month. The book can be read or listened to (audiobooks). When the time is up, the person who chose the book comes up with ten questions and posts them. Everyone who has read the book answers the questions and we discuss it. We can do it in the form of a blog post or in comments. Those of us who do book reviews can do that as well. I know that many people who follow my blog don’t have one of their own, so I’ll gladly be the “voice” for those people. Simply email me and I’ll put it into a blog post.

This isn’t limited to people who deal with pain. Anyone who’s interested is welcome. I think we could have a lot of fun with this!

What do you think? Who’s in?

Until next time…