Escape Book Club check-in

I’m excited to hear how it’s going with all of you.

Hello dear reader.

We began reading Her Name in the Sky a week ago, so it’s time to check-in with you and see where everyone is. So here are a few questions I’d appreciate all of you answering so we can get a picture of that.

  1. How far into the story are you? Please answer that by naming the chapter so we don’t spoil anything for someone who may be behind you.
  2. How are you liking it so far? Is it keeping your attention? Are you struggling with it?
  3. Are you handling the subject matter okay?

Please answer these and feel free to express anything else you’d like in the comments area below. Just please be careful not to put any spoilers in your comments. I’m excited to hear how it’s going with all of you.

I spent 20+ hours driving round trip and listened to it on Audible, so I’ve already finished it. Personally, I had a difficult time with it for the first few chapters but it got a lot easier after them.

Until next time…

Author: lynnetteok

There's a page with probably more about me than most people care to know. 😉

9 thoughts on “Escape Book Club check-in”

  1. I am in chapter 13 right now. It was rough starting out, I think the narrator may be trying a little too hard to sound like a teenager in my opinion. But once I got used to it I was able to follow her. The story has improved greatly and I am enjoying it. So far I think it is a great read and I am enjoying the subject.

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  2. I’m sorry, but I have not yet started (nor even got the book :/ ). Given the big bunch of printed paper I have to read (and correct) this next month, I might entirely skip this first “escape” reading, or at least delay it some weeks. In fact I dispose of the spare time, since I suffer insomnia, but my eyes are really tired after work. As for audio-books, I’ve never got used to them.
    (I’m also very sorry you are feeling unwell again! *My very best wishes* ✨ 💐

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    1. No worries Li. If you want to sit this one out, that’s fine. As I’ve said, this is intended as an escape from stress, not a cause for it.
      Thank you for your wishes. I’m paying for last week, but it’s totally worth it. It’ll pass soon. 🤗

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      1. LMHO…. I’m sleeping on a floor, helping a friend move. Trust me, this is not stress! Made it through Chapter 3 last night. Baker is a curiosity to me.

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          1. I’m finding it quite interesting. Still makes me sad to think about some of the teen issues – but I’m wanting to know “What next?”

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