Prep day

Thanks for helping me keep it light today.

Hello dear reader.

Today is going to be lots of fun. It’s prep day! I’m having my colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon. I’ve had a few of them and I know they’re not so bad. The bad part is the day before. Even if you’ve never had a colonoscopy, I’m sure you can imagine. So last week I got an email from the doctor’s office saying I needed to send them $35 for a prep kit.

This kit contains enough powdered Gatorade to make a gallon, a jar of laxitive powder to mix into the Gatorade, laxitive pills (4), a box of jello mix, three packages of chicken bullion, and (my favorite part!) four individually wrapped tush wipes. I think I got my money’s worth, don’t you?

I also received 9 pages of paperwork to fill out, and an instruction packet. One page in that packet gives me very clear directions including what time I should do what.

As you can see, I need to mix up the Gatorade at 3:00, but not put the laxitive powder in it until 5:00. As I said, very clear. I don’t know if you can read it at the bottom of the page, but it even tells me to stay close to the bathroom.

So what on Earth would make me think that you want to know the details of prep day? Because I’m trying to put a positive spin on it by giving you something to laugh at. I mean, tush wipes? That alone was worth the $35!

Thanks for helping me keep it light today. It’s much easier when people are laughing with me, or at me. I’ll take laughing any way I can get it.

Until next time…