
I love sitting in my house with a nice fire going and watching the snow falling outside.

Hello dear reader.

Today I decided I didn’t want to talk about pain or coping or anything to do with illness. I want to share my mountains with you.

I couldn’t tell you my favorite season here in the mountains. They’re all wonderful.

During the summer the temps usually top out in the mid 70’s. It’s a rare occurrence to hit 80 degrees. The wildflowers bloom everywhere. There are more colors than you can imagine.
Summertime is also tourist season. People come from all over the world to see, and sometimes hike, the mountains.

The trees at this altitude are pretty much all aspens and pines. In the autumn the mountains look like a patchwork quilt that changes every day.
The tourists start to thin out as the temperatures start to drop, but quite a few people come to see the aspens.

The aspens turn mostly gold, but also red and every shade in between.

Winter has a beauty all its own.

I love sitting in my house with a nice fire going and watching the snow falling outside. The tradition in my house (which started when my kids still lived at home) is the evening of the first real snowfall I make homemade hot chocolate. Things get quiet and peaceful.

Last but not least, springtime arrives. The snow starts to melt.

The trees begin to bud and the birds come back. I love hearing them sing when I wake up. We have a pair of doves that come every year. It’s easy to tell they’re the same ones from their markings. I can’t find my pictures of them, but I’ll show them to you when they come this year.

This is the most incredible place to live. I could go on and on about the wonderful town I live in, the festivals, how I came to be here, etc. But I’ll save those stories for another day.

Note: Most of these pictures are from which allows free use of the tons of beautiful photography on its site. A couple of them were taken by Tim, who has a wonderful eye.

Until next time…

Pure at heart!

My next response was that I needed to share this with others.

Hello dear reader.

I read this post and it blew me away! This was my first response:
What a wonderful reminder! I have tried to live that way all my life and raised my children to be respectful, polite, and compassionate.
We can only see bits and pieces of people’s lives. We don’t know how much pain a smile is hiding. I believe we should look for opportunities to lift others up. This word or a simple act of kindness can make a bigger difference in someone’s life than you realize.
This post was wonderfully written and meaningful

My next response was that I needed to share this with others. So I asked the author at Godly Chick Diaries if I could repost it on my blog. She graciously gave me her permission. So here it is. I hope it speaks to you like it did to me.

Until next time…

The wedding

Hello dear reader.

I’m certain that you’ve been on the edge of your seat wondering how the wedding went.  Well you can relax and smile.  The wedding was wonderful!  I’m putting a couple of pictures in here that were taken from a friend’s phone.  I haven’t gotten the ones from the photographer yet, but when I do there will be many more for you to see.

Our Beautiful Cake (Thank you Cookies with Altitude!)
George gave me away :-}

Hmmm.  I’m gonna have to figure out a better way to format this when I get the other pictures.

Tim’s mother came in the Wednesday before the wedding, which I was really nervous about.  It turned out to be a really good thing.  We spent quite a bit of time together and discussed some things that I really needed to talk about.  By the time the wedding day arrived, I felt really good about things between us.  Don’t tell anyone, but she cried through most of the service….happy tears.  She knows how much Tim and I love each other.  As a mother, that’s what you dream of for your child…a life full of happiness, love, and laughter.

Speaking of laughter, Tim and I both got the giggles a few times during the service.  I suppose that should have been embarrassing, but it wasn’t in the least.  It was just us being happy.  Laughter is a big part of our lives, so it only seemed natural for that to be a part of our wedding.

I’m in a rush today, but I wanted to update you about the wedding.  Much more coming soon.

Until next time…